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  • NatyDesiree RedCatWoman BDSM photo 11000058
  • NatyDesiree RedCatWoman BDSM photo 11000057


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24, 천칭
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NatyDesiree님의 주요 정보
성별 여성
관심 대상 여성, 남성, 커플, 트랜스
나이 24
신장 5'4" - 5'6" [160cm- 170cm]
무게 120 - 140 파운드 [55 - 60 킬로그램]
헤어 흑발
인종 백인
언어 영어, 루마니아어
음모 털 면도함
가슴 중간
나를 흥분 시키는 것
I love to be discovered, surrounded beautifully, you will definitely catch my attention if your intention to satisfy me mentally is in the first place.
내 소개
"When you love someone, you love the person as they are, and not as you'd like them to be." - Leo Tolstoy
내 기분을 상하게 하는 것
Offensive words, absurd requests and misogyny.
웹캠에서 하는 일:
NatyDesiree의 방송 업무 시간

NatyDesiree의 아마추어 영상

Sunset cuddle
CatWoman BDSM
In the stars
222 토큰
Blush me
222 토큰
인기 채팅방 콘테스트

Second place among women
23. 9. 18.

Second place among women
23. 9. 10.

Second place among women
23. 9. 6.

Second place among women
23. 9. 6.

최신 스냅샷 (20) 전체보기
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NatyDesiree님의 스냅샷 4개
NatyDesiree님의 스냅샷 5개
NatyDesiree님의 스냅샷 6개
NatyDesiree님의 스냅샷 7개
NatyDesiree님의 스냅샷 8개
NatyDesiree님의 스냅샷 9개
NatyDesiree님의 스냅샷 10개
NatyDesiree님의 스냅샷 11개
NatyDesiree님의 스냅샷 12개
NatyDesiree님의 스냅샷 13개
NatyDesiree님의 스냅샷 14개
NatyDesiree님의 스냅샷 15개
NatyDesiree님의 스냅샷 16개
NatyDesiree님의 스냅샷 17개
NatyDesiree님의 스냅샷 18개
NatyDesiree님의 스냅샷 19개
NatyDesiree님의 스냅샷 20개
베스트 회원
아직 최고 멤버 없습니다
님의 위시리스트
댓글 (2)
23. 11. 7.
the hottest, nicest, most amazing female creature on God's earth. I have never seen such a beautiful woman move like an elf, full of fantasy, elegance, grace and harmony, her seductive dance, every day a different, self-designed and self-made unique outfit that makes every designer blush with shame. Her aesthetic, cracklingly erotic show is unrivaled and focuses on the climax with love for every detail. Naty, we love you ==>HANS
23. 11. 5.
das heißeste, netteste, fantastischste weibliche Wesen auf Gottes Erde. Nie sah ich eine so schöne Frau sich elfengleich bewegen, voller Fantasie, Eleganz, Anmut und Harmonie ihr verführerischer Tanz, jeden Tag eine anders,selbst entworfenes und sebst gefertigtes einzigartiges Outfit, das jedem Designer die Schamesröte ins Gesicht treibt. Ihre ästhetische, knisternd erotisierende Show ist unerreicht und voller Liebe zu jedem Detail auf den Höhepunkt focussiert. Naty, wir lieben dich ==>HANS
hello sweety. Let's have fun!

NatyDesiree hello sweety. Let's have fun! image: 1

NatyDesiree hello sweety. Let's have fun! image: 2

NatyDesiree hello sweety. Let's have fun! image: 3

NatyDesiree hello sweety. Let's have fun! image: 4NatyDesiree hello sweety. Let's have fun! image: 5NatyDesiree hello sweety. Let's have fun! image: 6

NatyDesiree hello sweety. Let's have fun! image: 7

NatyDesiree hello sweety. Let's have fun! image: 8

NatyDesiree hello sweety. Let's have fun! image: 9

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NatyDesiree hello sweety. Let's have fun! image: 11

NatyDesiree hello sweety. Let's have fun! image: 12